The 2nd skill for Dream mastery that comes with Atlantis dlc. You will need to experiment a bit to find out which skills it can cast. Last but not least, this clone of your character will be able to cast only a very few skills your character uses, not all skills can be cast by it, and it will be able to cast those only if you assing them to right/left mouse buttons. At level 12/8 the life time of this pet will be 27 seconds. Its damage is fixed and will not get increased by level. Leveling up this skill, increases the life time of the pet, the energy cost of the skill and the main Health/Energy stats of the pet.

It is a very powerful pet and this is why it has a limited time and a long recharge time as a skill. The great thing is that it uses the equipment of your own character so it also attacks with the same weapon and applies the same effects to enemies. It is a very powerful pet which actually is a clone of your own character and it has its own stats of Health/Energy and physical damage attack. This is a skill that belongs to Atlantis dlc. If you want to check out the video, please CLICK ME! Still, if you want to take a look at the video, it is still 90% valid and at least you can see some gameplay of the skills there. Also, this version starts with the 2 skills Atlantis dlc brought to the game, the video guide was older than Atlantis and it didn't include these. In that video there are a couple of mistakes i did back then and they have been corrected in this version.

This is the corrected version (in text form) of an old video guide i made years ago for this mastery.